Secret Indulgence

September 30, 2014

I just finished reading I’m Having So Much Fun Without You about a husband whose wife discovers he had been cheating for seven months.

Spoiler Alert: The mistress leaves to get married and his wife leaves him.

He does not so much regret the affair as he does his wife discovering it.  Both he and the mistress loved engaging in this fantasy parallel life that does not involve taking out the garbage.

To have the fantasy is okay; to act on it and jeopardize everything is not worth it.

Since a recent surgery kept me barely mobile for two weeks and then tack on another week of healing, Hubby and I have been on a sexual hiatus.  During this time he went to Los Angeles for two nights.  If I’m aware how long it has been, my able bodied husband must be feeling the void.

What if, what if he went to Los Angeles and had sought physical satisfaction elsewhere?  It would not mean anything, just that he was horny and he seized an opportunity.  I would not want to know.  I cannot imagine my husband doing it but if for some super stupid reason he was tempted with a brief escape, I do not think it would enhance our relationship in any way if I knew.  It would only hurt both of us more.

A New York Magazine article I had read a decade ago mentioned a couple who stayed together after a dalliance and when they would fight, however many years later, the scorned partner would remind the other of the affair.  It never goes away.

And how could one night, weekend, month of pleasure via a deceptive escape be worth the future of your family.

Personally, I’ll find other indulgences