Pride and religion

July 17, 2015

My views on religion began in Sunday school and were fed to me.  Over the years and through so many communities I now must decide how I will incorporate Judaism into my children’s lives.

I want temple to be something they enjoy and not begrudge attending, as I did.  I was raised that Orthodox Judaism is the ideal and everything else was less than, a diluted version of the religion.  It took Judith Plaskow a Jewish Feminist scholar to in a college seminar that many sects of the religion think differently.  Piety is not everyone’s goal.

Judaism is unique in that it is as much a religion as it is a culture and identity. I want my children to embrace their identity and know their roots. Our ancestors were slaves.  We were ridiculed, exiled and slaughtered for our beliefs. If not for the grace of G-d we too could endure this.  We should learn what it is that our forefathers fought to observe.

It should be a blessing and a pleasure to remember our fortune and celebrate our heritage.

I hope my children can embrace this.