May I Offer you some hand me downs


I hate wasting.  It’s only recently that I stopped saving soap the scraps.

I’m trying not to eat my kids uneaten macaroni and cheese.  It’s okay to throw this out.

It’s one of my indulgences; I am fortunate enough to not *need* to save a quarter glass of Tropicana.

Times are good.  I recently splurged on a new pair of pajamas via  Why pay retail? Why leave home?

Thus, time to bid farewell to an older pair of sleepwear.  Would someone, somewhere want a four year old pair of hand me downs?  Perhaps the a village in Tibetan deconstruct the clothing to weave elaborate blankets sold by Richard Gere.

Is it insulting to offer them to my nanny?

One of the reasons I let the previous nanny go was because she did not receive hand me downs.  My daughter has beautiful clothing she’s outgrown?  I am involved in my community.  Her predecessor smiled and thanked me for giving her that sliver of soap.

So I lump in a pile with my very mildly stained Diane Von Furstenburg sweater, a ratty jog bra and my kids underwear.

material could be recylced into blankets for

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